This blog proudly writes from a position that most Americans consider a bit left of center. But I hope to hold positions that are Christian -- not liberal or conservative. As such, this blog protests the flag worship and intolerance of the far right as well as elitist self-righteousness of the far left. It aims at those of us in the middle, strugging to live faithful lives in a complex world.

Monday, January 31, 2005


If Jesus says the poor are blessed, why do Christians bless them so little? Why do Christians favor programs that hurt the poor at the expense of corporate interests? Why do we, as a whole, prefer tax cuts to after-school programs? Why do we support infants until they are born but rail against welfare mothers after they give birth? I believe in a Jesus who blessed the poor, following a long prophetic tradition of inveighing for the rights of the dispossessed. That, at least, is the goal. I'll see you soon.


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